Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The family is all home!


Just a small little update on the family...

On Sunday July 25th, Paige joined her sisters at home! We have been so excited this last week with getting the babies home as soon as they were able to.

It has been so nice to have the whole family under the same roof. It has been really nice not to have to make trips back and forth to the NICU to spend time with our babies. Now they are all home and we are so enjoying them.

We will post some new pics soon of the little ones. They are so cute. We still cannot believe that they are actually here and they are now all home with us!

The babies are doing wonderful at home! Hopefully everyone will have a chance to meet them soon.

We hope everything is well with everyone!


The whole Holmquist Family

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

Hello everyone!!!

Well the babies are now a day old. They are doing amazingly and they are maturing so fast.

I have attached some pictures of the babies. we so far have been able to hold Aina and Lilah. We have been able to participate in the feeding and diapering of all of the babies. We are looking forward to being able to help out with more of their care as they grow. It is a nice way of breaking us into being parents of triplets.

Here are some pictures of the little ones for everyone to enjoy...

This is mommy and Aina...

This is another one of Aina...

This is one of Lilah with her Daddy...

Another shot of Lilah...

These are some pictures of Paige...

And another one of Paige.

We will update people when we have time. Rachel will be in St Mary's until Wednesday. The girls will remain in NICU for a little while longer.

We hope this message finds everyone healthy and well.


Max, Rach, Lilah, Aina, and Paige

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Triplets


Rachel was having a little bit more complications this week. She was admitted into St Mary's on Thursday night to try to control her blood pressure. This means that the babies are on their way very soon.

They were able to get the blood pressure under control. GREAT NEWS! They were also able to get the TWO shots that are needed in a 48 hour period to give the babies steroids to develop the lungs and control the blood sugars that do jump with that steroid. Great news!

The BEST NEWS YET... Today on July 3rd after 10 am, Max and Rachel will be meeting the triplets today. Aina, Paige and Lilah are making their arrival today.

This is also the day of Cassidy's birthday. We have already told her that it took us a lot of practice and work to find her an amazing birthday present of 3 little nieces. She is up here right now visiting her family so she is planning on coming to see the little ones on Monday.

We are praying and hoping that today the babies will be born very healthy and strong. We are hoping and praying that the NICU stay will be very nice and very short. We are hoping and praying that our babies will be home in our arms soon. Then we will be praying and hoping for babysitters and lots of help!

Happy 3rd of July everyone and a very happy Special Birthday to our little Daughters! We are so excited to meet the three of you and all of the work will so be worth having our Daughters in our lives!


Max, Rach, Lilah, Aina and Paige

ps. We will post pictures soon of each one!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Week 33 and 6 days

Hello everyone!

Well Rachel's dad has been right about everything with this pregnancy so far. He was right it was triplets. He was also correct that it was all girls. The last thing we waited for was June 30th. This is the day that Rachel's dad predicted that the babies would come.

Everything was going along fine yesterday when Rachel got a little scare. She called the doctor and they wanted her to come in to get checked out. Was Rachel's Dad correct on his last guess... that was the big question going on in our minds yesterday.

As it turned out everything is fine. It was a false alarm. Even though it was, we were able to still see the little ones via a small ultrasound and we enjoyed watching then nurses try to chase the babies heartbeats down.

Rachel ended up coming home last night. Today on week 34 (July 1st) she sees our doctor to see if there are any changes or anything that Rachel has to do now for the babies. It is amazing to us that the babies are being so good and Rachel has lasted this long.

Though she is very uncomfortable, it is nice to know that the babies are doing great and are healthy.

This week Rachel was pulled from work so she can rest more. It has been nice to be able to be more relaxed and to watch movies and just chill while the babies are growing.

We will keep you up to date on any other progress or changes.

We hope everyone is well!


Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina and Paige (and not to forget the pups Bo and Bear)

Week 33 Ultrasound

Hello everyone!

Last week Thursday (6/24) we had another ultrasound. This time we were able to get pictures of the girls.

The girls are growing pretty fast now. Triplet A is now weighing in at 5 pounds 3 ounces. Triplet B is now weighing in at 5 pounds 6 ounces. Paige is our smallest right now. She is weighing in at 4 pounds and 8 ounces. This means that the twins are still in the 65% for weight and Paige is now at average for weight.

I know everyone is excited to see the pictures. The first two are the triplets heads all together.

This next picture is of Triplet A. She finally worked with the tech and was able to get a good profile picture. We were pretty excited!

This next one is of Triplet B. She normally takes really good pictures but today she was being difficult.

This next one is of Paige (Triplet C). This is a picture of her face. She looks really cute!

We are so excited that the babies are doing great. Rachel has tried to be a trouper during this whole pregnancy. It is now getting to the point where it is more difficult for her to get around. So she has been more home based lately. Her parents moved a bed into our living room to make it easier on her during the day and pretty soon she will be spending her nights there too (we believe). It is very important that Rachel rests and relaxes right now so those babies can grow.

Max with the help of our parents and friends, has been working so hard on getting things ready for the babies. It has been amazing to see how things are coming together so fast. We couldn't have gotten so far without help since Rachel is not able to help. We will take some pictures of the nursery and post them. We have everything up now except for a couple of pictures.

The dogs lately have taken to sleeping part-time in the Nursery. We are convinced that they know something is going on and they are getting protective of the babies already. They are really going to miss having Rachel at home with them while she is in the hospital delivering these little wonders of joy!

We hope this message finds everyone healthy and well. We will try to continue to post as the due date comes closer. Our doctor is hoping Rachel holds out until week 37.

Love ya,

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, Paige, Bear and Bo

Thursday, June 17, 2010

32 Week Update

Hello everyone!

Well we managed to make it to 32 weeks. If you didn't know 32 weeks is the average time frame that triplets make it. It is a huge milestone that we have made it this far.

So we went to the 32 week appointment. No big ultrasound just a bedside one. Max arranged his schedule so he could go to this appointment. The babies are doing great. They are moving and kicking and kept the doctor busy trying to hunt them down.

Rachel is going back again next week. This time for the big ultrasound to see how big the babies are and to check things out. The doctor thinks that Rachel is doing great and could be pregnant for awhile yet (Rachel has a different opinion with the heat now). The doctor basically told us today that she will wait to either 37 weeks to discuss a c-section or when Rachel goes into labor.

Beyond the appointment today, We have had a lot of help lately getting together the babies room and organizing. The room is looking great and when we are done, we will post some pictures. We are very happy and excited to be this far along in getting ready for the babies. Max's mom made very cute curtains and crib skirts that match the Jungle/Animal theme that is going on in the room. It will be so nice to have everything done before the babies are home!

We hope that this message finds everyone well and healthy. We will post some pictures soon so people can see the nursery and how big Rachel has gotten with the babies.


Max, Rach, Lilah, Aina and Paige

Friday, June 4, 2010

Week 30 and the little chunks

Hello everyone!

I know it has been awhile since the last update but we have been busy.

Rachel and her parents went to her week 30 ultrasound appointment yesterday. The babies are doing amazing. Since they are now so BIG it was not possible to get good pictures from the ultrasound but they did witness the first of many fights the triplets will have. Baby B was seen twice punching at Paige.

So the weights of the babies... the twins now both weigh 3 pounds 14 ounces and Paige weighs 3 pounds and 15 ounces. They are in the 64% for their age compared to single babies so they are doing amazing. They gained a ton of weight in the last month which is great since we are in the final month and the more they weigh the better they will be.

Our doctor is amazed at how well Rachel and the triplets are doing. The resting that Rachel has been doing has been helping with the babies well being and growth. Even though Rachel is very uncomfortable and doesn't like being confined and not able to do much, she does know that it is temporary for the babies well being.

The latest thing Rachel has had to put up with is having carpal tunnel syndrome because of the water retention and weight gain. Yesterday at her appointment she got splints to try out and that right now has been helping a little bit.

Max has been busy putting together the baby room. It is all painted so he is starting to spend his time putting the large items in the room so the room will be ready by the time the babies come home. This will be a busy weekend of organizing baby stuff and getting the room together.

We are hoping and praying for the babies to wait until July still. The longer they stay in the healthier they will be.

We will post some pictures of the baby shower soon.

We would like to thank everyone for their love and support during this time. We know that the babies feel the love around them as much as we do.

We pray that everyone is doing great!

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Paige, and Aina

Sunday, May 23, 2010

26 week ultrasound pictures

Hello everyone!

Sorry we have been behind on updates. Here are the 26 week ultrasound pictures for everyone to enjoy. The babies are getting bigger so it is harder to get some good pictures but these are the four we have.

This is a picture of Lilah and Aina. It is a pretty good twin picture. At the time of this picture they were the opposite way so the picture shows one of them with their head and the other one is their belly.

This next picture is a picture of Baby A's face.

This one is a picture of Baby B's face.

Paige was lying on her belly for the ultrasound. Getting a face/profile picture was hard to do. Instead we have a cute little foot picture. Here is Paige's picture.

We hope that everyone is doing good. We would like to thank everyone for coming to our triplet shower. It was amazing how much love and support we felt that day. We are still working on organizing and putting stuff away from the shower.

We would also like to give a BIG thank you for the people who helped plan the wonderful shower. Thank you Julie (my sister), my mom Sandy, Max's mom Laurie, my cousin Brenda, our friends Jodie and Jacki. It was an amazing shower and all of the hard work that was put into the shower was beyond words. We will try to get some of the shower pictures up for people to look at.

Love you all,

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Paige, Aina, Bear and Bo

Thursday, May 6, 2010

26 weeks and only 8 more weeks until July 1st


We wanted to send out an update because we do know that people are waiting to find out news about the babies. Yes we have a couple of pictures and we will work on getting them uploaded pretty soon - we are also bringing the pictures to the shower so everyone can see the little girls!

The babies have grown. Baby A is breech and she weighs 2 pounds 2 ounces. Baby B has her little head down already and like her identical twin she weighs 2 pounds 2 ounce. Baby C figured out last weekend (by causing me a ton of pain) that she can spread out. She is right now stretched out laying on her belly in a horizontal position. Baby C (who we call Paige) now weighs 1 pound 11 ounces.

The ultrasound was really cute. Max's Aunt Ruth took part of the day off to come down and watch the ultrasound. We kept looking to see if we saw anyone of them sucking their thumbs. We thought we saw Baby B doing it but we couldn't be sure because of the position of the baby.

Our doctor is extremely happy over the health of the babies and Rachel's health. She is now working part-time and resting more and her health is showing the results. The babies are growing and developing like they should be and they are completely on track in development. So even though there are three of them, the pregnancy is coming along great!

We are still hoping that the babies at least wait until July 1st to make their appearance in the world or later. The longer the babies wait the healthier they will be.

We are really looking forward to seeing our family and friends this weekend at the shower. We hope you will be able to make to help celebrate with us!

We hope everything is well!


Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, and Paige also Bo and Bear

Thursday, April 22, 2010

24 weeks and hopefully 10 more to go!

We are so excited to be at the 24 week milestone now. We are hoping that the babies still wait another ten weeks (or until July 1st) to arrive. Hopefully the babies are listening to us and will wait until then.

Rachel and her dad went to the doctor today for her 24 week check up. This was just a basic checkup with a bedside ultrasound so there are no pictures to share. The babies are doing great! All of the heartbeats are doing good and things are looking good for the babies.

Rachel who is getting larger because of the three babies has been told that she has to rest a little bit more than she has been. This means that she will be working from home part time now so she can relax more and take more naps! Right now it is very important that she stays relaxed and comfortable so the babies stay where they belong for hopefully 10 more weeks.

Max has been very busy keeping the house going. It is amazing on how he has stepped up to make sure Rachel stays on the couch and reclined. Besides doing the babies room (which is starting to look really nice now) he is also taking over all of the chores in the house. He has been such an amazing and big help in this time and it just goes to show you how great of a dad he will be with the little girls.

So basically we are in our countdown to meet the little ones. Hopefully they will wait as long as they possibly can for their arrival. We want them to be as healthy as they can be.

The baby shower is coming up on May 8th. If you have any questions about the shower please email us at mholm96@gmail.com. We are hoping that everyone will be able to come.


Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, Paige, Bo and Bear

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 22 and babies have grown!

We are so excited to be on week 22. Today we had another ultrasound to see how the babies are growing. Sadly they were not that good picture takers today and since they are larger we were not able to get a picture of all three of them.

Baby A weighs 1 pound and 2 ounces. She right now is our largest baby. She is doing great but was really shy so you will not see her picture here.

Baby B weighs 1 pound. She has always been our most photogenic baby. We have two pictures of Baby B for everyone to see. She is doing great just like her identical twin sister.

Baby C now weighs 1 pound and 1 ounce. She is doing very well too. We were able to get a nice profile picture of Baby C.

Nana Holmquist was at the ultrasound today. She was very excited to see the three little girls move around. They were very cute even though they were not good for pictures today.\

Rachel is now going to be working from home full time now. This is not because of issues with the babies but so she is able to rest easier and relax more. She is now in the "third" trimester so the babies are bigger and cause more discomfort and pain while walking and sitting during the day.

There will be another ultrasound coming up again in a month. Hopefully the babies will take better pictures that time and we will have more pictures to post. We are still hoping that the babies will wait until July to make their grand appearance.

It was a great doctors appointment and it was so nice to see the little ones again on the screen moving around. We are so excited and so happy that our three little daughters are doing great! More news to come!!!

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, and Paige (and we cannot forget about Bear and Bo)

Friday, March 26, 2010

20 Weeks and 1 Day along

We are now just over 20 weeks along. If we were having just one baby, we would be 1/2 way through our pregnancy.

So we had our 20 week doctor appointment today. Everything is going along great. The doctor said that Rachel is "All baby" and that was a great sign. The weight gain and the belly growth are all going along great. Now at 20 weeks a lot more of the restrictions start. Right now the doctor wants her to limit her walking completely. So now she will have to spend even more time on the couch.

Rachel started working from home a couple of days a week to help relax and to limit her walking. This schedule will continue for a little bit longer.

Now to the babies... We are so excited to see our little girls soon. Triplets average 32 weeks and we are hoping that they will stay in their home for a little while after that. 34 weeks right now is Rachel's goal - that is July 1st.

In two weeks we will have another big ultrasound. This will allow us to have even more pictures of them that we will be able to share.

Max is so excited about his little ones coming along. Rachel is convinced he is going through the sympathy pregnancy since he seems to have more strange food cravings than she is. He is busy getting the upstairs of the house ready for the babies arrival. He has made some great progress in decluttering the upstairs.

We hope that everyone is doing great! We hope to see you all soon with the triplets!


Max, Rachel, Aina, Lilah, and Paige
And of course our fat little dogs

Friday, March 12, 2010

Daddy's Little Girls: Lilah, Aina, and Paige

Babies galore! We are now having three girls. Our identical twins will be be named Lilah Sandra and Aina Ruth, our fraternal will be named Paige Laurie.

All babies are healthy and developing well. The ultrasound pictures have a variety of feet, heads, hands, legs, spines, and hearts. The identical are 9 ounces each and Paige is 8 ounces.
We will not be assigning the identical names until they are born. Rachel and I will just "know" who is who.

We are completely registered now (babiesrus.com and store, target.com and store, amazon.com)
thank the lord and the upstairs/nursery renovations are also going well. I think I will just have enough time to get everything done that needs to be done by the time babies come home.

On to the pictures!!!
Triplet A's feet!

Triplet B's profiles

Triplet B's right foot! This is soooooo cute!!!

Paige Laurie's big debut!!!

The Holmquist triplets, coming soon!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Save the Date

Save the Date...

We wanted to let everyone know that our Baby Shower for the Triplets is going to be on Saturday May 8th in the afternoon at our church's educational center. Invites will be coming.

We are registered at Target, Babies R Us and Amazon.

Now onto the important thing... the babies....

The babies are doing great. They are moving a lot now. We enjoy being able to feel them move. Hopefully this Friday (the 12th) the babies will be good and tell us if they are boys or girls or a mix a both (we are hoping for a mix of both). Grandpa Jim is going to come along to see the babies on the ultrasound.

Rachel is getting bigger and bigger everyday. She is grateful that the weather has turned warm since she cannot zip up her winter jacket anymore. It is amazing to see the changes that are going on.

In preparing for the babies Max has been working hard on getting the upstairs ready. He has been redoing the closet in the main bedroom so both of our clothes will be able to fit in that closet.

We did pick out the theme for the babies room. It sort of came upon us from registering. We were noticing that we liked a lot of the animal theme stuff so we are doing animals/safari. The room will be a light green with a yellow ceiling. Hopefully those little wonders will like it as much as the parents do! Max has been very busy with updating the babies room to get it all ready. Rachel is not much help right now since her doctor has limited what she is allowed to do and declared that she has to rest and relax in order for the babies to grow happily and healthy.

Max has also been spending his time reading parent books and pregnancy books. He has now read more books on the babies than Rachel has.

We have been very grateful for our family and friends and their support during this time and in the future with the babies. You will never understand how much your support and love has meant to us.

Hopefully this next weekend our update will be more information about the babies and who they are! We should hopefully have more pictures of them too this next weekend to upload!


Max, Rachel, the Triplets and the puppies

Friday, February 26, 2010

Movers and shakers...

Good evening,

The triplets have begun their internal migrations over the past few weeks. So far they have been less active at night which is a good thing. We can already feel each of the babies by touch with a little pressure.

The 16 week check-up and ultrasound went well. All babies are healthy and growing with string heartbeats.

We are also slowing completing various household projects and will be readying the nursery this soon coming spring. Lots to do for this busy dad-to-be. Thankfully I am very motivated and mechanical.

Rachel is already showing a lot! Very exciting, well, for Rachel and me. I guess I luck out because all I carry is my beer belly, lol.

For whom it may concern we are registered as of March 1st at Babiesrus.com and in the stores, Target.com and in the stores, and amazon.com

On 3/12 we will have new ultrasound pictures and could potentially know the sexes although with multiples this is more typical closer to week 22.

It is with the help of God always that things will continue to progress as He has planned for us.

God Bless,

~Maxwell and Rachel

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mr. Top 1% of dads

According to a book I got for my birthday, I am in the top 1% of dads-to-be since I plan on bonding with the new babies as much as I can, change all the diapers I can, feed, console, and teach my new family the best that I can, and always look out for them. Not a typical new dad fear or avoidance.

I also spent an evening with other moms at the Moms with multiples meeting (I was the only dad there) and had a great time.

I think that when you are a father expecting multiple children, there is no room for too much fear, anxiety, and avoidance. You just develop an instinct somewhat similar to mom's and go for it.

I can hardly wait. Well, I can because we need the babies to stay in mom as close to term as possible.


Friday, February 12, 2010

14 week check-up

Our 14 week check-up for the triplets was just peachy. All babies are active and healthy. No pictures since we just had the bedside ultrasound. We will have a 16 week check-up with the same ultrasound and then an 18 week check up with a more in depth ultrasound with new pictures.

Stay tuned...!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Seeing three...


It looks like there was someone hiding in the larger sack.

We have an identical set and one fraternal. All three are healthy at 12 weeks today and active. There are no serious medical concerns at this time. All three were laying the same way, which is very rare for triplets at this stage. We really enjoyed watching them flip around and move yesterday. We cannot wait until we see them again!

Baby A: Identical twin

Baby B: Identical twin (And the best picture we have of them right now)

Baby C: Fraternal twin

The Triple Treat!!!

Baby C is on the left; Baby A and B are in the sack on the right.

We are very blessed with this news. We are looking at a roughly 32 week delivery date in June. Hopefully all will go well. More to come!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seeing double for Christmas. Thank you Santa!

On December 23rd, 2009 we found out we are having twins at the 6 week ultrasound at Wisconsin Fertility Institute. They could see two sacks but not quite everything that was in one of them...Santa may have left us another surprise???

It looks like they will be due in later July. If you look closely at the sack on the left, you'll see a sliver of one little baby, although this sack appears larger than the other one. Is there someone else hiding in the bigger sack???

2009, The Year of Infertility

This year has been a long journey of challenges in having children. We try to stay confident that sooner or later we will conceive. So far we have been trough several rounds of drugs and testing, and are on IUI (Inter-uterine Insemination) number 3. This time things look way better than the first two times. Hopefully this might just be the one...