Friday, March 26, 2010

20 Weeks and 1 Day along

We are now just over 20 weeks along. If we were having just one baby, we would be 1/2 way through our pregnancy.

So we had our 20 week doctor appointment today. Everything is going along great. The doctor said that Rachel is "All baby" and that was a great sign. The weight gain and the belly growth are all going along great. Now at 20 weeks a lot more of the restrictions start. Right now the doctor wants her to limit her walking completely. So now she will have to spend even more time on the couch.

Rachel started working from home a couple of days a week to help relax and to limit her walking. This schedule will continue for a little bit longer.

Now to the babies... We are so excited to see our little girls soon. Triplets average 32 weeks and we are hoping that they will stay in their home for a little while after that. 34 weeks right now is Rachel's goal - that is July 1st.

In two weeks we will have another big ultrasound. This will allow us to have even more pictures of them that we will be able to share.

Max is so excited about his little ones coming along. Rachel is convinced he is going through the sympathy pregnancy since he seems to have more strange food cravings than she is. He is busy getting the upstairs of the house ready for the babies arrival. He has made some great progress in decluttering the upstairs.

We hope that everyone is doing great! We hope to see you all soon with the triplets!


Max, Rachel, Aina, Lilah, and Paige
And of course our fat little dogs

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