Friday, June 4, 2010

Week 30 and the little chunks

Hello everyone!

I know it has been awhile since the last update but we have been busy.

Rachel and her parents went to her week 30 ultrasound appointment yesterday. The babies are doing amazing. Since they are now so BIG it was not possible to get good pictures from the ultrasound but they did witness the first of many fights the triplets will have. Baby B was seen twice punching at Paige.

So the weights of the babies... the twins now both weigh 3 pounds 14 ounces and Paige weighs 3 pounds and 15 ounces. They are in the 64% for their age compared to single babies so they are doing amazing. They gained a ton of weight in the last month which is great since we are in the final month and the more they weigh the better they will be.

Our doctor is amazed at how well Rachel and the triplets are doing. The resting that Rachel has been doing has been helping with the babies well being and growth. Even though Rachel is very uncomfortable and doesn't like being confined and not able to do much, she does know that it is temporary for the babies well being.

The latest thing Rachel has had to put up with is having carpal tunnel syndrome because of the water retention and weight gain. Yesterday at her appointment she got splints to try out and that right now has been helping a little bit.

Max has been busy putting together the baby room. It is all painted so he is starting to spend his time putting the large items in the room so the room will be ready by the time the babies come home. This will be a busy weekend of organizing baby stuff and getting the room together.

We are hoping and praying for the babies to wait until July still. The longer they stay in the healthier they will be.

We will post some pictures of the baby shower soon.

We would like to thank everyone for their love and support during this time. We know that the babies feel the love around them as much as we do.

We pray that everyone is doing great!

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Paige, and Aina

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