Friday, February 26, 2010

Movers and shakers...

Good evening,

The triplets have begun their internal migrations over the past few weeks. So far they have been less active at night which is a good thing. We can already feel each of the babies by touch with a little pressure.

The 16 week check-up and ultrasound went well. All babies are healthy and growing with string heartbeats.

We are also slowing completing various household projects and will be readying the nursery this soon coming spring. Lots to do for this busy dad-to-be. Thankfully I am very motivated and mechanical.

Rachel is already showing a lot! Very exciting, well, for Rachel and me. I guess I luck out because all I carry is my beer belly, lol.

For whom it may concern we are registered as of March 1st at and in the stores, and in the stores, and

On 3/12 we will have new ultrasound pictures and could potentially know the sexes although with multiples this is more typical closer to week 22.

It is with the help of God always that things will continue to progress as He has planned for us.

God Bless,

~Maxwell and Rachel

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mr. Top 1% of dads

According to a book I got for my birthday, I am in the top 1% of dads-to-be since I plan on bonding with the new babies as much as I can, change all the diapers I can, feed, console, and teach my new family the best that I can, and always look out for them. Not a typical new dad fear or avoidance.

I also spent an evening with other moms at the Moms with multiples meeting (I was the only dad there) and had a great time.

I think that when you are a father expecting multiple children, there is no room for too much fear, anxiety, and avoidance. You just develop an instinct somewhat similar to mom's and go for it.

I can hardly wait. Well, I can because we need the babies to stay in mom as close to term as possible.


Friday, February 12, 2010

14 week check-up

Our 14 week check-up for the triplets was just peachy. All babies are active and healthy. No pictures since we just had the bedside ultrasound. We will have a 16 week check-up with the same ultrasound and then an 18 week check up with a more in depth ultrasound with new pictures.

Stay tuned...!