Sunday, May 23, 2010

26 week ultrasound pictures

Hello everyone!

Sorry we have been behind on updates. Here are the 26 week ultrasound pictures for everyone to enjoy. The babies are getting bigger so it is harder to get some good pictures but these are the four we have.

This is a picture of Lilah and Aina. It is a pretty good twin picture. At the time of this picture they were the opposite way so the picture shows one of them with their head and the other one is their belly.

This next picture is a picture of Baby A's face.

This one is a picture of Baby B's face.

Paige was lying on her belly for the ultrasound. Getting a face/profile picture was hard to do. Instead we have a cute little foot picture. Here is Paige's picture.

We hope that everyone is doing good. We would like to thank everyone for coming to our triplet shower. It was amazing how much love and support we felt that day. We are still working on organizing and putting stuff away from the shower.

We would also like to give a BIG thank you for the people who helped plan the wonderful shower. Thank you Julie (my sister), my mom Sandy, Max's mom Laurie, my cousin Brenda, our friends Jodie and Jacki. It was an amazing shower and all of the hard work that was put into the shower was beyond words. We will try to get some of the shower pictures up for people to look at.

Love you all,

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Paige, Aina, Bear and Bo

Thursday, May 6, 2010

26 weeks and only 8 more weeks until July 1st


We wanted to send out an update because we do know that people are waiting to find out news about the babies. Yes we have a couple of pictures and we will work on getting them uploaded pretty soon - we are also bringing the pictures to the shower so everyone can see the little girls!

The babies have grown. Baby A is breech and she weighs 2 pounds 2 ounces. Baby B has her little head down already and like her identical twin she weighs 2 pounds 2 ounce. Baby C figured out last weekend (by causing me a ton of pain) that she can spread out. She is right now stretched out laying on her belly in a horizontal position. Baby C (who we call Paige) now weighs 1 pound 11 ounces.

The ultrasound was really cute. Max's Aunt Ruth took part of the day off to come down and watch the ultrasound. We kept looking to see if we saw anyone of them sucking their thumbs. We thought we saw Baby B doing it but we couldn't be sure because of the position of the baby.

Our doctor is extremely happy over the health of the babies and Rachel's health. She is now working part-time and resting more and her health is showing the results. The babies are growing and developing like they should be and they are completely on track in development. So even though there are three of them, the pregnancy is coming along great!

We are still hoping that the babies at least wait until July 1st to make their appearance in the world or later. The longer the babies wait the healthier they will be.

We are really looking forward to seeing our family and friends this weekend at the shower. We hope you will be able to make to help celebrate with us!

We hope everything is well!


Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, and Paige also Bo and Bear