Thursday, April 22, 2010

24 weeks and hopefully 10 more to go!

We are so excited to be at the 24 week milestone now. We are hoping that the babies still wait another ten weeks (or until July 1st) to arrive. Hopefully the babies are listening to us and will wait until then.

Rachel and her dad went to the doctor today for her 24 week check up. This was just a basic checkup with a bedside ultrasound so there are no pictures to share. The babies are doing great! All of the heartbeats are doing good and things are looking good for the babies.

Rachel who is getting larger because of the three babies has been told that she has to rest a little bit more than she has been. This means that she will be working from home part time now so she can relax more and take more naps! Right now it is very important that she stays relaxed and comfortable so the babies stay where they belong for hopefully 10 more weeks.

Max has been very busy keeping the house going. It is amazing on how he has stepped up to make sure Rachel stays on the couch and reclined. Besides doing the babies room (which is starting to look really nice now) he is also taking over all of the chores in the house. He has been such an amazing and big help in this time and it just goes to show you how great of a dad he will be with the little girls.

So basically we are in our countdown to meet the little ones. Hopefully they will wait as long as they possibly can for their arrival. We want them to be as healthy as they can be.

The baby shower is coming up on May 8th. If you have any questions about the shower please email us at We are hoping that everyone will be able to come.


Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, Paige, Bo and Bear

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 22 and babies have grown!

We are so excited to be on week 22. Today we had another ultrasound to see how the babies are growing. Sadly they were not that good picture takers today and since they are larger we were not able to get a picture of all three of them.

Baby A weighs 1 pound and 2 ounces. She right now is our largest baby. She is doing great but was really shy so you will not see her picture here.

Baby B weighs 1 pound. She has always been our most photogenic baby. We have two pictures of Baby B for everyone to see. She is doing great just like her identical twin sister.

Baby C now weighs 1 pound and 1 ounce. She is doing very well too. We were able to get a nice profile picture of Baby C.

Nana Holmquist was at the ultrasound today. She was very excited to see the three little girls move around. They were very cute even though they were not good for pictures today.\

Rachel is now going to be working from home full time now. This is not because of issues with the babies but so she is able to rest easier and relax more. She is now in the "third" trimester so the babies are bigger and cause more discomfort and pain while walking and sitting during the day.

There will be another ultrasound coming up again in a month. Hopefully the babies will take better pictures that time and we will have more pictures to post. We are still hoping that the babies will wait until July to make their grand appearance.

It was a great doctors appointment and it was so nice to see the little ones again on the screen moving around. We are so excited and so happy that our three little daughters are doing great! More news to come!!!

Max, Rachel, Lilah, Aina, and Paige (and we cannot forget about Bear and Bo)