Friday, January 29, 2010

Seeing three...


It looks like there was someone hiding in the larger sack.

We have an identical set and one fraternal. All three are healthy at 12 weeks today and active. There are no serious medical concerns at this time. All three were laying the same way, which is very rare for triplets at this stage. We really enjoyed watching them flip around and move yesterday. We cannot wait until we see them again!

Baby A: Identical twin

Baby B: Identical twin (And the best picture we have of them right now)

Baby C: Fraternal twin

The Triple Treat!!!

Baby C is on the left; Baby A and B are in the sack on the right.

We are very blessed with this news. We are looking at a roughly 32 week delivery date in June. Hopefully all will go well. More to come!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Seeing double for Christmas. Thank you Santa!

On December 23rd, 2009 we found out we are having twins at the 6 week ultrasound at Wisconsin Fertility Institute. They could see two sacks but not quite everything that was in one of them...Santa may have left us another surprise???

It looks like they will be due in later July. If you look closely at the sack on the left, you'll see a sliver of one little baby, although this sack appears larger than the other one. Is there someone else hiding in the bigger sack???

2009, The Year of Infertility

This year has been a long journey of challenges in having children. We try to stay confident that sooner or later we will conceive. So far we have been trough several rounds of drugs and testing, and are on IUI (Inter-uterine Insemination) number 3. This time things look way better than the first two times. Hopefully this might just be the one...